Trailer Park Challenge

Hickey TPC: Introduction

What am I doing?  Why am I starting another challenge?  Because this one sounded like fun.  So here we are.  Let’s find out what we are doing first.  The trailer park challenge is basically a […]

100 Baby Challenge

Merry’s Intermission

I found my notes and was thinking about what I would have done if Indiana had been a girl. I still would have gone with Yuma because I had already put too much time and […]

100 Baby Challenge

Merry’s Interlude

With the birth of her last baby, Merry is done with her part of this challenge.  Yuna has just become a teenager so there will be a 13 day wait until she takes over.  So, […]

100 Baby Challenge

100 Babies of Grace, Merry.28

Wolfgang stop that! Yeah, you broke the tub while you were haunting it.  Hitting yourself in the head doesn’t fix the tub. Merry is working with Yuma on her potty and thinking skills. Everest is […]

100 Baby Challenge

100 Babies of Grace, Merry.27

Merry… …shhh, I have time.  Four pregnancies, 13 days remaining.  I can wait two days between each pregnancy and still have plenty of time… Merry…  I have plans for when you are done having kids…  […]

100 Baby Challenge

100 Babies of Grace, Merry.26

Welcome back.  I am looking at the list and Merry has five letters remaining in her alphabet – that is five pregnancies remaining.  She has 13 days left till she ages up.  The biggest decision […]

100 Baby Challenge

100 Babies of Grace, Merry.25

This update starts off with an almost insult.  Merry had it locked and loaded and before she could deliver it, Pompeii got up and walked away.  Smart boy. Then Merry decided no one was going […]

100 Baby Challenge

100 Babies of Grace, Merry.24

Welcome back. Finland, the clingy toddler, is meeting the newest addition – Zurich.  He is happy to have a new brother. France, the angelic toddler, is angry about having a new brother.  I discovered that […]