Seven Heroes Dynasty

Firemane Heroes, Chapter 4

I realized as I was loading up the game just now that while I talk about the increased skilling gains that is received when the toddlers and kids complete certain things but neither Aurelia nor […]

Seven Heroes Dynasty

Firemane Heroes, Chapter 3

Sofia gets started working on her hero prep requirements – she is reading seven non-skill books instead of completing emotional whims, for the variety. She has also completed the scouting badges, collected seven fish, and […]

2021 Challenges

All the Emotions

The next tournament challenge is Emotional Rollercoaster. The goal is to complete emotional whims for four days, and then to move in more sims to capture emotional states for the last three days. This is […]

Seven Heroes Dynasty

Firemane Heroes, Chapter 2

Aurelia begins training Sofia and I really do love the Tiny House boosts. Sofia is wild so she rejects everything Aurelia suggests. But since she is a toddler, she still has to do what she […]

2021 Challenges

Artistic Endeavors

Moving along, it is time for a creativity challenge. Artistic Endeavors: Introvert and Extrovert Goal: Sketch out your strategy in this artistic money-making challenge. There are many ways for your artistic Sims to rack up […]