Drifting Along

Drifting Along, House 015.3

Stella starts the day off with a blowout. Simon arrives home from his job just in time to clean it up. He doesn’t even get a chance to change clothes. Stella continues to cry and […]

Drifting Along

Drifting Along, House 015.2

Harper develops a routine which is to visit another lot, steal something, come home and work on her work performance, go to work, come home and woohoo, sleep. She has increased the value of the […]

Drifting Along

Drifting Along, House 015.1

It is time to begin House 015, something that I wasn’t sure would ever happen. But here we are. Once again with a single sim standing on an empty lot with zero simoleons. Harper is […]

Drifting Along

Drifting Along, House 014.7

Hayes is embroiled in a workplace dispute so he has been trying to find his rival outside of work. Apparently, if they become friends, their rivalry will end. She finally agrees to come over after […]

Drifting Along

Drifting Along, House 014.4

Stay Over Visitors. Just fucking wonderful. It looks like it is Hunter and La’ei Huntington, mom and dad to Hayes. Plus his siblings, Hilton, Hyatt, and Hannah. Hunter Huntington La-ei Huntington Hilton Huntington Hannah Huntington […]

Challenge Scenarios

Scenario: Well Rounded & Honeymooners

This is another scenario that should go quickly. The requirements are really easy and it probably should be classified as easy. Well Rounded Potential Outcomes The scenario allows choosing of an existing sim, so a […]