Wolf Pack Challenge

Moon Wolf Pack, Chapter 2

As we return to Saga and her pack, the house is just over halfway at §26,586; and Rocky probably has about a week left. The lifespan setting is still set at Short – I am […]

Wolf Pack Challenge

Moon Wolf Pack, Chapter 1

I promise, this will be the last restart. I will either complete the challenge this time, or I will move on to something else. I am making a couple of changes to the rules. The […]

Wolf Pack Challenge

Moon Wolf Pack, Chapter 0

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_ZwqQsMTgir7bowc76LSt_vSKLwYI3CRIR1HFdu8Lls/ Our dog-loving sim is Saga Moon. She is excited to move to a remote, uninhabited island in Brindleton Bay along with her raccoon and six dogs. Saga is Dog-Loving, Cat-Loving, and Outdoor-Loving, and her […]