Karma Academy: Chapter 17

The end goal of this chapter is the end of the challenge.  There is one thing that needs to be accomplished and that is for Miranda to complete one of the Family aspirations.  That means, for the most part, everyone is doing their own thing.

The toddlers are still working on maxed out their skills – as a reminder, they need Top-Notch Toddler in order to have birthday cake early.  Antonio is working on communication.

Super Parent will require one of the kids to gain three positive character traits when they become young adult.  Cordelia is still the target for that achievement so she is writing in her journal for emotional control.

Being left to her own devices is not a good thing – Ophelia isn’t making good choices.  Othello looks concerned about her choices.  Miranda was right there to discipline her for it also.

Toddlers don’t want to hug it out when they are angry.  That choice worked with Cordelia but hasn’t worked with the rest of the kids.  Miranda can hug lovingly afterwards but not as discipline.

Cordelia is so close to completing the creative aspiration, and once she does, she will be able to have birthday cake also.  She already has an A in school so she is drawing five different pictures to finish up.

And she is done.

Miranda is not having a good day.  She is making food for the starving toddlers because all of the leftovers are gone.  She just peed herself, and now she needs to make a birthday cake for Cordelia.  Then she might have time to take a shower.

Go, Cordelia!

Hmm, I guess this is the first picture I took of teen-Cordelia.  A vampire broke in and mesmerized her but before he could drink, she went to play the piano.  She rolled Mean and Snob with the City Native aspiration.

Back in the bedroom, the vampire is trapped by Titania.

Titania is angry because she is starving and she is a toddler.

So, I had her bite him.  I figured it was only fair.

He was not happy about that – it hurt.

Then she yelled at him and told him Good-Bye.  And he left.

Still angry, Titania went out and destroyed the dollhouse.  Then she went and ate breakfast.

She is shocked by something – not sure what.  There isn’t a thunderstorm.

Miranda heads off to work – no promotion since she is short on logic – and the rest of the kids are at school.  Titania and Antonio are playing with the new tablets just because I am tired of micromanaging them.

Miranda receives a promotion to Hedge Fund Manager, level 8.

Sadness invades.  Astraea has died.

Titania may be the first of the kids to not be a Top-Notch Toddler.  Her age bar is bubbling and her thinking skill is still level 3.

Titania is so close to making it, but she is not having a good time.  Being a toddler sucks.

And she made it.

But there isn’t a cake, so she is waiting for that to be made.

With the cake ready, the nanny is chosen to help her blow out the candles.

This is common for all of them – they are not doing a good job of getting baths.

Antonio has an excuse,  Othello doesn’t.

And he crashes.  I know I am ready to reach the end of this [optional] part of the challenge.  Miranda is literally down to one last objective – one of the kids needs to reach the top of a career, and the scouts counts.  She is working through the badges as quickly as she can.  [Miranda switched from Super Parent to Successful Lineage – Super Parent won’t complete until Cordelia becomes a young adult, but Successful Lineage should be able to complete with she reaches Llamacorn Scout].

Miranda teased me by getting struck by lightning.  She isn’t supposed to die and we have been working really hard to complete her aspiration.  She only got struck once so she survived.

Antonio is the last toddler and he is working harder than he wants.

Cordelia is down to two badges – Get Fit and Civic Responsibility.  She has a little over a week until she becomes a Young Adult, so that is our timer.

Hmm.  This last stretch is hard.

This is the reason the children always stink and have to pee.  The monkey bars + Child’s Play are an irresistible draw.

The family celebrates Harvestfest with a feast on the back deck.

Cordelia is about to become a Llamacorn scout.  Since it counts as a career in other aspirations, I am hoping it will count as a career for Miranda… and it doesn’t.  Crap.

This means Cordelia will be taking a regular teen job and trying that since there is still has her birthday unless she can get three positive character value traits sooner.

Cordelia writes in her journal for emotional control.

Antonio races the clock to finish maxing his skills before his birthday, taking time out to eat, potty, and sleep.

Then there is the occasional mess.

Antonio reaches level 5 thinking and becomes the last Top-Notch Toddler of the challenge.

Cordelia bakes a birthday cake and…

Antonio become a Lazy child.

With the last toddler grown into a child, Cordelia fires Marcella.

When Miranda comes home from work, it is time for Cordelia to blow out her candles as she has three character values within the range to earn positive traits..  Marcella didn’t get the memo and came back.

With Cordelia’s birthday, Miranda has completed the family aspiration and the challenge is officially over.  Completed -Done -Finished

Just to tie up loose ends… Glen and Loki need to move back into the house so Cordelia takes everyone except Antonio and moves into the house across the street and Glen and Loki move back in with Miranda and Antonio.

Scoring: 145

  • Miranda needs to marry a human sim. -done
  • Miranda needs a human best friend. -done
  • Miranda needs to complete one of the Family aspirations. (optional) -done
  • Miranda needs to build the Close Encounters Academy/Embassy worth at least §100k. -done
  • Miranda needs to have at least one human-looking offspring. -done


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About Teresa 1178 Articles
I have been playing Sims since August 2005; a member, then a moderator, and now an admin of Boolprop.net since October 2006. My sister is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back. Now I am all in on Sims 4 and still loving it.

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