Karma Academy: Chapter 4

Cali may hate children, but that doesn’t let her off from taking care of Astraea.  She helps her with her potty training, almost getting her to level 2.  Almost – 99%.

Then Astraea follows her around for awhile.  It is WinterFest so everyone stays home for the day.

After watching Cali for awhile, Astraea goes to talk to Felix.  She is at level 4 so she asks him why a lot and also asks about the world.  In return, he asks if she has been good.

When he breaks the computer and has to repair it, she gets down to watch him again.

At some point, I remember it is Winterfest and that it is getting late.  Astraea needs to potty, so Felix takes her to the bathroom, but she passes out before she can potty.

While Felix and Astraea are trying to get things taken care of in the bathroom, Father Winter shows up and Cali keeps him entertained.

Exhausted but determined to get a present, Astraea heads straight for the big man and asks for a present.

He isn’t in a hurry and little miss exhaustion is not patient.  She even yelled at him at one point.

He gave her a present anyway – a laser light show.

With that done, Felix puts her to bed.

He takes the time to read her a story.

Once again, Cali is left to entertain Father Winter.  She also gets a gift (no pictures) – he gives her upgrade parts, which she was not impressed.

After putting Astraea to bed, Felix makes it back in time to ask for a gift and gets a chess table.  Yeah!

Astraea gets up hungry and stinky and her choice of activities is to watch TV.  My kindred spirit.

Felix heads off to work leaving Astraea home with Cali.  Astraea spends the day on the potty (if she did anything else, I don’t remember, she was trying to max it out), and then Cali puts her to bed for a nap.

Felix earns a promotion to Laboratory Leader, level 7.  He will go to work alone until Astraea is a child, so it will be slow going for a little while.

He spends the evening working on some breakthroughs coming up with 13/14.  Cali goes to bed leaving Felix to put Cali to bed after dinner.

Astraea has the house to herself while the adults sleep.  She plays with her dolls pretty much all night until Cali wakes up.

Speaking of Cali, everyone forgot her birthday so she is pouting.

She reads a story to Astraea with the goal to get her imagination skill up as high as possible before one or another gives out.

Astraea is going to be the first to give out, and it took four books.

Another day, more toddler skilling.  Astraea maxes out thinking, leaving just imagination.

She gets a well-rounded lunch of green peas.

Cali reads her another book which leads to a tantrum.  I believe this is her first.

After she sleeps, she wakes up and continues to work on imagination – and she is done.  Top-Notch Toddler.  She is free to run wild until her birthday (in three days)

It is the weekend, Astraea is done skilling, Felix has his breakthroughs for work on Monday, and nothing Cali does matters.  So, they are all on free will while I watch.  Cali is painting pictures and I am hanging up the ones I like.  She is selling the rest.

They may have forgotten Cali’s birthday, but they did not forget Felix’s birthday.

With a middle age paunch beginning, it was time for Felix to change into jeans with a little higher waist line.  These are a little more flattering.

It is New Year’s Eve so everyone is watching the TV special waiting for midnight.

Just a reminder of Astraea’s true form.

New Skill Day comes and it is finally time for Cali to work on Comedy.  I hate this skill, but she is able to get from low level 5 to almost level 7 after telling jokes all day (in playful).  This is apparently a very slow way to level the skill.

Felix is working on both the parenting skill and his Super Parent aspiration so he needs to discipline Astraea four times.  That is fairly easy since she wakes up starving, hence pissed.  She throws a tantrum and yells at him twice, giving him three chances to scold her.

For her last performance, she throws her food on the floor.  Wait, no, this doesn’t count as one of the five.

Astraea throws a tantrum because she is still hungry.  Felix expresses his disappointment and that does it.  Felix finishes that tier and moves to the next, which requires him to help a child with homework.  Now he has to wait, again.

Getting back to some free will, Cali goes to work for the first time in a few days.  Felix gives Astraea a bath and then takes a shower of his own while she hangs around and watches.

Cali earns a promotion to C-Lister, level 3.

Even though she hates children, she still greets Astraea when she gets home.  Then she goes to bed and crashes for the night.

Felix is upgrading the rocket and Astraea goes out to watch for a little while.  Once he is done, they both go to bed also.

The next morning, Felix and Cali are getting a little fun time in before work when Astraea comes in to see what is going on.

She doesn’t leave, but stands there watching, trying to figure out what game they were playing.  Felix has to leave for work once they are finished, leaving her with Cali for the day.

After having the whole day to do anything she wants, Astraea is a sad little girl.  She ran wild, playing with all of her toys, even making a mess.

But by the end of the day she was tired of her dolls and tired of playing.

Being a toddler, she gets over it quickly.  All it takes is a different toy to distract her.

They are having a “family” meal together.

Some invisible sim decided to die across the street so, of course, Felix and Cali had to rush over to watch.

Thankfully, Astraea didn’t wake up until the looky-loos were back home.

She finally found the toddler tablet.  But she doesn’t need it any more.

It is birthday time for Astraea.  Cali made her a birthday cake and helps her blow out the birthday candles.  Felix had to go to work so he missed the celebration.

HAHAHAHA!  It was not an invisible sim.  It was a vampire idiot.  Count Vlad to be specific. HA! HA! HA! HA!

Cali helps Astraea with her homework.  The funny thing about sims that hate children… toddlers make them tense but children make them angry.

Scoring: 50

  1. +10 Maxing Logic Skill (2.1) -done
  2. +10 Maxing Rocket Skill (2.1) -done
  3. +10 Maxing Scientist Career (2.1) -level 7
  4. +10 Get abducted by aliens 3 times (2.1) -done
  5. +10 First alien pregnancy (2.1) -Astraea
  6. +5 Each additional alien pregnancy (2.1)
  7. +10 Marry an alien (2.2)
  8. +5 Have an alien best friend (2.2)
  9. +10 Build a Close Encounter Academy [non-residential lot] (2.3)
  10. +10 Visit Sixam for the first time
  11. +10 Not using any money cheats -done


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About Teresa 1175 Articles
I have been playing Sims since August 2005; a member, then a moderator, and now an admin of Boolprop.net since October 2006. My sister is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back. Now I am all in on Sims 4 and still loving it.

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