One Sim, One Year: Week 10, Monday

Mia wakes up early and begins to prepare for her first class. She sets up social media and takes some pictures to update it. She is going to join the Social Media career once she graduates so she might as well get a head start on it.

Mia heads to campus to try to figure out how to join the esports team.

And she buys a lot of stuff at the kiosk.

Back home she needs to play SimScuffle with the team but they aren’t playing now. Which means she can’t complete her requirement before they meet to practice in the evening. She also realizes team practice will conflict with several things she has to do this week, so she drops out of the team.

Her day is busy with two classes, one presentation, and a guest lecture. She will clean the house later.

In and out, in and out. None of her activities are back to back so she gets to come home and then turn around a leave again almost immediately. She has completed her presentation and term paper so she only needs to go to class and do her homework for the rest of the week. Her finals will be on Friday.

She also picked up a bicycle to make traveling much easier.

She is finding it hard to get outside as much as she is used to so she heads off to discuss lifestyles with a coach and drops Outdoorsy. She is still a People Person and Single and Loving It. She also rejoined the esports team as she only has to make it to one more guest lecture and she can do that on Friday.


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About Teresa 1178 Articles
I have been playing Sims since August 2005; a member, then a moderator, and now an admin of since October 2006. My sister is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back. Now I am all in on Sims 4 and still loving it.

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