Mia is up in the middle of the night with cravings. She eats one of the oatmeal cookies she made when trying to get into the secret society.
Then she pukes it right back up. Pregnancy is tough.
She isn’t able to get back to sleep so she checks on their social media accounts. Theirs because she has one and Chat has one. And isn’t that the way it works – Chat has 418 followers and Mia has 379 followers. Everyone loves cats on the internet.
Mia really just piddles around the house.
There isn’t anything to do except wait on her grades now.
She makes sure Chat is feeling loved and then she decides to invite everyone over.
Jake and Skye, Emily, and Ren all come over to keep her company until her grades come in.
That is disappointing, but she did still maintain a GPA of A overall. I believe the C is in the class where she was late, and no clue about the A, but maybe that was the Friday class after she found out she was pregnant. Whatever caused the drops in her grades, she graduates tomorrow and then her baby will be born on Sunday.
Mia really doesn’t need caffeine right now, but she finishes up the cup.
Then she heads to bed. She is skipping the last of the rituals with the secret society.
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