Mia wakes up early and gets ready for her one class today. She has time to put up the tree for Winterfest and set out the presents. She even receives a new coffee maker from the Sigworths in the mail.
Then she invites Ren over for some holiday magic. She is settling back down into her relationship with Ren, relieved that those other guys are gone now.
While Mia finishes her homework…
Ren hangs out in front of the fire.
After class, Mia makes a holiday feast while Emily gives her tips. Not really necessary Grandma, but okay.
Winterfest meal is just Mia and Emily. Ren had to run home for some reason.
Mia gets time in for a bubble bath and some relaxing before tonight’s ritual.
Well damn. Mia forgot that Father Winter was going to be coming to visit.
She made an enchanting introduction and now Father Winter is a romantic interest.
Ren is standing in the room when she gives Father Winter a first kiss.
Ren doesn’t seem to care that he caught her kissing another sim.
And about this point I realize Mia is late for the ritual. She runs off and joins the others and spends the rest of the time working on that last promotion.
She is literally this close to the top rank. She will finish her classes Friday so hopefully she will still be able to attend the Friday night ritual since I don’t think she will graduate until Saturday.
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