I just thought to looks at Mia’s schedule. Thankfully, she has two classes each day. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday she will be in class from 9:30 to 10:55 and 3:00 to 4:25. Tuesday and Thursday she will have classes 11:00 to 12:25 and 1:30 to 2:55. She spends Saturday getting all of her work done. Sunday is a holiday and she really wants to do holiday fun stuff.
She takes a little break when Ren comes over because all that studying is leaving her very lacking on the fun.
She also has to take Chat to the vet since someone is not spayed and has gone into heat.
The vet fixes Chat up nicely and sends her home with recovery collar to keep her from picking at her stitches.
Mia checks on Chat when they get home and then she gets back to work on her homework.
Chat does not like the collar and it is making her sad. She can’t wait for Mia to remove it – tomorrow.
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