Scenario: Making Money Pt 1

We are just blowing through these scenarios, but then they are easy scenarios. So, it is time to begin the next one and this is going to be a fun one. It is all about making money with the end goal to reach §1,000,000. This scenario can be started with an existing household or a new household. Hmmm…

Making Money


This Sim moved to a new place and started off with a single simoleon in their bank account. Starting with nothing other than a drea of one day being fabulously wealthy, can this Sim figure out a way to make millions? Or are the destined to from rags… to rags?

Story Ending

  • Have 1 million Simoleons (§1,000,000)

A new household was created for this scenario – Angelia Hiott is a single sim that is active and a loner, and loves the outdoors. This is good because she is going to be outdoors a lot. We are going to the jungle.!.!

Angelia moves into the smallest, literally, lot in the world – Comfy Cubby in Newcrest. It is one of the 20×15 lots in Newcrest and it is empty of everything. Additionally, her funds were set at zero so before she can go to the jungle, she needs to make enough to go to the jungle. At a minimum, she needs §226 just to get to Selvadorada, more to stay, and more to buy supplies she is going to need. So, in round numbers, she can go once she has §1,000 in the bank. Now is the time she needs some distant relative to die and leave her §2,500. (Never happened).

Angelia spends the first few hours testing out various ways to make money. She heads to a community center in San Sequoia and puts a puzzle together, but it costs §45 to frame it. She takes and sells a bunch of pictures and the framed puzzle comes home with her.

Since it is spring, she is probably going to fish for the rest of the night (she moved in Monday night about 11pm so it will take a day or two to get over the jetlag. That is also why the pictures are so dark – it is the middle of the night.

When she is exhausted she begins trying to find a place to get some sleep. She tries various sofas and loveseats but nothing really helps. The good thing about the gym is she can pee and shower. She just can’t sleep.

She even heads over to Sulani to sleep on one of the loungers. She moves around because she doesn’t want to get a sunburn. None of the loungers seem to be doing the thing. But…

Someone made food so she gets a good meal for free. Her peace and quiet is about to be shattered.

The first sim she meets is Johnny Zest. At least he is hitting on her, but he does come over and introduce himself.

Then a diving club shows up and it is no longer quiet and now she can’t even nap.

She takes a lot of pictures which she is able to sell for enough to buy a sleeping bag. She heads home and finally gets some sleep. It is raining but she doesn’t even care as long as she can sleep.

When she wakes up it is time to make a sweep around the neighborhood collecting as much as possible. She is still wearing her hot weather clothes from Sulani which means she turns blue from the cold. The fastest way to warm up is to head to a gym – she also has to pee and shower and eat. She finally has a moment to sell everything she collected, and she has enough to take her first vacation to Selvadorada.

Angelia rents the cheapest house in Selvadorada which is actually pretty sad since she will not be here more than the five minutes it takes to check in.

At the Marketplace Angelia buys what she can, has a couple of meals, and really hates the amount of time she has to spend talking the the vendors in order to master the Selvadoradian Culture.

With a few extra machetes, Angelia heads into the jungle. She is hoping that she finds good stuff because she really needs the money, and not just for the challenge.

Angelia is so glad she brought the sleeping bag with her because she is able to get some sleep halfway through the jungle on her way to the temple.

Well isn’t this special. Angelia has a small case of poisoning, which hopefully she can fight off since she doesn’t have the funds to buy a cure.

The temple is done, Angelia is miserable, but she picked up a golden frog. One golden frog for all that she endured. But she also found just over §3,000 so she will be able to head back to the jungle immediately.

Immediately after she gets some sleep and food, and finds a toilet and a shower. And even as a Loner she needs someone to talk to to bring up her social. In good news, the poison is out of her system. She will survive. This time.

When Angelia wakes up, she begins to sell what she collected. The frog is sold quickly, the rest of the stuff, not so much. But when her needs begin to drop, it is time to return to the jungle.

She is able to clear the tables in the marketplace this time and heads off with a good supply of everything.

For a loner she sure does get lonely, so she socializes a bit before heading out. Another meal eaten and learned is a bonus.

Now, the relative dies and she collects the §2,500.

She needed to assemble a totem for her aspiration so she creates a Tote-Chaos.

Another temple is complete and she has been poisoned again.

This time she has the bone dust and is able to ask for an antidote. Much cheaper than purchasing it for §1,000.

Cured and rested, she begins another yard sale. She never put the calendar plate out so she still has that, but once her needs begin to drop it is back to the jungle. One thing I am not sure about is whether the challenge is to earn §1,000,000 or have it in the bank. So, she is not spending anything she doesn’t have to during the challenge.

Angelia completes her third jungle run without getting poisoned and she picks up a frog and a calendar plate.

That right there is about §120,000. According to the Achievement she has gained §163,334 so far. Her bank account is showing §156,176, so she has done a good job of not spending what she is collecting. She will add lights since it looks like most of her pictures are going to be at night.

Lights added, New bank balance §155,976.


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About Teresa 1175 Articles
I have been playing Sims since August 2005; a member, then a moderator, and now an admin of since October 2006. My sister is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back. Now I am all in on Sims 4 and still loving it.

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