Immortal Teenager

My Immortal Rose, Chapter 2

Emmaline gets out of the shower and checks, but Katie is still there. I don’t know why she is glaring at Katie other than she is a teen and having a mood swing. She invites […]

Immortal Teenager

My Immortal Rose, Chapter 1

You lucked out when it came to parents! Since childhood, you have basically taken care of yourself, and it’s only gotten worse since you’ve become a teenager! Now you’re stuck this way until you complete […]

Immortal Teenager

Bella Immortal, Week 7

Bella finally remembered to change jobs from Manual Labor to Barista.  Needless to say she isn’t going for Jack of all Trades.  With her Sunday free, it is time to have some parties. Bella’s first […]

Immortal Teenager

Bella Immortal, Week 6

Just a heads-up, WordPress changed their editor to Gutenberg, which is a blocks style editor and I have been playing with it trying to figure out how I am going to be using it.  I […]

Immortal Teenager

Bella Immortal, Week 5

I realized that there is a sprinkler in the game and Bella should have it, so the first thing this week the garden was redone.  I also remembered there is a scarecrow, so let’s see […]

Immortal Teenager

Bella Immortal, Week 4

Bella gave up a lot of the bonus mini challenges this week.  She just wants this over with…  Her focus this week is the writing – 13 books, oh joy.  This is also the week […]

Immortal Teenager

Bella Immortal, Week 3

Bella cries when she realizes the challenge continues.  The good thing is that she already has her A in school so she only has to maintain it.  That means she doesn’t have to work hard […]

Immortal Teenager

Bella Immortal, Week 2

I don’t know why I started the last chapter as 1.1 because there is only going to be Bella so there won’t be a second generation.  What I am going to do is post each […]

Immortal Teenager

Bella Immortal 1.1

There is a new challenge over at Boolprop – The Immortal Teen. This challenge was created to celebrate Boolprop’s 13th birthday in November (2005-2018) and is all about the teenager.  So, for this challenge I […]