Drifting Along, House 014.3

It has been two years since I last played this challenge. I pulled it out of mothballs today and will see if we can get going once again. I have to remember the whats, whys, and hows of the drifter challenge and then see how to salvage this house. To begin with, a wall of text reminding me where we are and what we need to do. They are currently living in Willow creek on the Potters Splay lot. The Drifter (Hayes Huntington) is the only playable sims. There has to be at least §1,000 in the household funds to travel through a loading screen.

Required Goals

  1. As a minimum create a 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom home worth at least $40k Simoleons
  2. Complete the Renaissance Sim Aspiration
  3. Complete a second Aspiration of your choice
  4. Produce and raise The Heir to the Young Adult life stage
    • Select the Kleptomaniac Trait 

Optional Goals

  • Complete the MySims Trophy collection
  • Make a display room for the MySims Trophy collection
  • Achieve level 10 in either branch of the Salaryperson career

The current house is built but not finished, but is already valued at over §42,470. So the question is, do they continue with this house or do I demo and rebuild? I am thinking I demo and rebuild. Because of the nature of this challenge, I will not download from the gallery, so the crappy designs are all mine.

The triplets are Harper, Henry, and Hogan. Harper is the heiress and the boys are spares. They have three days until they become children. Hogan is the closest to having at least level 3 in all skills while Henry is the furthest away. Harper is hanging out in the middle.

There is a nanny in the house and if I remember he was glitching and disappearing the last time I played. Fingers crossed the glitches are gone.

Just a quick tour around the house. The kitchen and this corner are the only ones really decorated. But I am thinking a demo and rebuild, they will just sell everything and start over. Even though these are career rewards they are not vital to keep.

Hayes and Nadine are sleeping and I believe the toddlers will go back to sleep, at least until I demo the house and everyone is kicked to the curb. I mean sidewalk, of course. Hayes has 17 days remaining until he becomes an Adult, while Nadine is 22 days away from her birthday. So basically, there is a little while to play before Harper moves out. With the addition of infants, Harper has 3 days as a toddler, 14 days as a child, and 21 days as a teen. So, 38 days remaining in this house. That gives Hayes time to complete Renaissance Sim and a second aspiration, maybe reach the top of Salaryperson, and try to collect the MySims trophies.

So, it is done. The house and lot have been bulldozed. Now to build a new house for five sims.

The new house is built and almost completely done. They just really need wall decorations and to update the children’s room as they grow. The new build is currently worth §35,058.

A quick overview of the new layout. Hayes and Nadine are in the top left back bedroom, Harper is in the left front lower bedroom. Henry and Hogan are sharing the bottom right bedroom. There are also three bathrooms, an office, and front and back decks. The living and kitchen are open concept.

Hayes puts each of the toddlers in their new beds and tucks them in. Harper, as the heiress, has her own room. She is Angelic and Loves Being Carried.

Hogan (left) is a charmer and also Loves Being Carried. Henry (right) is Independent, Loves Being Carried, and Hates Bedtime.

Hayes has to put Henry back to bed a second time and then heads to bed himself. I expect all the toddlers to wake up starving in minutes which is fine since the fridge is full of food and the nanny is still here. There are zero high chairs.

Hayes wakes everyone up so that they can all eat and calls them to the table. Everyone ate except for Nadine who stood back there until she peed herself.

I knew about resizing items but had never really used it, but OMG it is a game changer for me. Now the too big dollhouses are the right size to fit into a normal sized house. Hogan is now Destructive which means the dollhouse will be smashed most of the time.

Nadine reads to Harper, which was probably Harper’s idea. Either way, good for Nadine to actually take care of the toddlers.

Hayes heads off to work leaving me home alone with not a single controllable sim. The nanny keeps getting caught up in a loop with the toddlers – he asks what they want, they don’t know, he asks again and again and again. And the toddlers get pissy.

Hogan got caught destroying the dollhouse and is shocked when Nadine scolds him. So am I not going to lie.

The house is chaotic without Hayes, but it could be so much worse.

Nadine is a much better parent to the toddlers than she ever was with the newborns.

The nanny is getting too comfortable. He is bugged so he never leaves, and occasionally is invisible.

Hayes needs to help though because he comes home exhausted, and takes a vacation day tomorrow. Then he tries to corral the toddlers in bed – literally putting the three toddlers to bed a total of eight times.

Finally, finally, finally. Today is birthday day, so he pulls out the birthday cake and begins to bring them to the cake. Harper goes first since she is the oldest and the heiress.

Then he brings Henry to the cake.

Before he can bring Hogan to the cake, Harper has cut the cake and taken a piece. Then Henry takes a piece, so Hayes has to bake a new cake.

Finally, with a new cake, it is time for Hogan to blow out the candles.

The children get their makeovers starting with Harper, of course. Harper is Lazy and has the Whiz Kid aspiration. She will have to have the Kleptomaniac trait as a Young Adult, so she will still randomize the first two traits.

Henry is a Loner and rolls the Playtime Captain aspiration. I was thinking that the combination wouldn’t work and then I remembered he will always be uncontrollable so it really doesn’t matter.

Hogan is Active and has the Slumber Party Animal aspiration. Now they have to remodel the bedrooms to remove the toddler beds and toddler toys and replacing with beds for the children.

Apparently, I clicked the wrong button. Hayes’s family has shown up to stay for five days. And there are five of them. OMFG. Thankfully I cannot control anyone. Thankfully or really OMFG. This house is going to be so chaotic now.

Nadine is screaming incoherently at Hayes. There are definitely not enough beds for everyone.


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About Teresa 1168 Articles
I have been playing Sims since August 2005; a member, then a moderator, and now an admin of Boolprop.net since October 2006. My sister is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back. Now I am all in on Sims 4 and still loving it.

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