Bladderstone Week 9

NOTE: I have not had MCCC installed the entire time I have been playing the challenge.  I have had some issues with overheating, memory leaks, freezing, and crashing since I play on a laptop and have put it in several times and then removed it and have just recently found a sweet spot – playing Sims on 32-bit and only installing several modules of MCCC rather than the whole suite.  As a result, it is only now really kicking in on the rest of the world so the story progression is spotty on the premades.  And it is taking the Bladderstones out to play…

We make a quick stop to check on the kids that have moved out and we find that Bastian married Candy Behr, a much older woman.  Candy moved in with Bastian bringing her daughter by another, Katherine. Katherine’s father is Wolfgang Munch who is currently married to Salim Benali.  Bastian and Candy also had a daughter of their own, Leticia.  Candy is not the sim I would have chosen for Bastian, but as any parent will tell you, we can’t chose who our children choose to love.  We can only hope it works out for them.  Oriana, Leigha, and Patrick are still living with Bastian and Candy and hopefully will be getting a life of their own soon.

Oliver, has a daughter, Tyson, with Olivia Kim-Lewis, but married Alayna Connelly, who is the daughter of Cooper Connelly (no mother).  Oliver and Alayna have a son, Jaime.  They are currently living with Cooper and his husband, Mitchell Kalani.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program…  Brittany is working on Beau’s skills.  Beau is the bad apple for the boys.  I am using hats and head coverings as my visual clue for which toddlers/kids not to click on.

And he is going down…

Story time for the twins.

Odessa is in the red and Orchid is in the blue.

The nursery is full of toddlers.  Peyton plays with Beau on the dollhouse while Brittany potty trains Odessa and Orchid watches how it is done and waits for her turn.

It is time for Ramsey to have his birthday and he has come home from school mortified.  This is becoming a pattern.

Peyton stops by the bear for one last talk before heading down for some birthday cake.

Ramsey  is leaving us now and heading off into the time stream.

It is also Peyton’s birthday – she did her best to grow up looking like Oakley.  But I have control of the dresser.  And it is time to clean all of the sweets out of the fridge.

Peyton after her makeover.

Oakley and Beau working on Beau’s imagination skill.

Odessa destroying and Orchid crying.

Beau getting some hugs and communication skill on his own.

I decided the Bladderstones needed to live close by and moved everyone into houses in the neighborhood.  The singles live in right house, Bastian’s family lives in the top middle, Oliver’s family in the bottom middle, and the main family is on the left.

More playing in the toilet (Odessa) – which means more crying because she feels grungy (Odessa) – which means another bath (Odessa) .

Starving to death – threats from social services – and she throws her food on the floor without putting a bite in her mouth – and then cries because she is hungry – this is what we call toddler logic (Orchid).

Beau runs out to meet Brantley when he returns from work for some Daddy time.

Oakley is helping Odessa work on her shapes.

And Odessa also gets some private story time with Brittany while everyone else takes a nap.

I feel like Beau is neglected since I can’t monitor his needs.  But he seems to get plenty of attention from the others.  Just not me.

Kailey is a friend of Peyton’s and he stands and stares at her while she eats.  When she finishes, he gets a plate for himself.

We have another baby – a girl – which makes number six – and our next bad apple.  This is Lauren.

Brantley is a little late to the panic party.

Orchid is angry about something and is yelling at Odessa.

Just a random picture of Beau, doing whatever Beau is doing.

Oh look, Beau grew up.  No cake for Beau since I missed his announcement.  And he looks identical to Oakley.  Again.  He needs a hat so I can tell them apart…

Oakley is studying in the nursery while the twins sleep.

Peyton is working on BFF with Kailey for her aspiration.  She rolled Geek and Social.  This is Kailey Pancakes…

While I feel Beau is neglected, he socialized just fine with the rest of the family.

Oakley plays chess with him – Beau rolled Mean trait and Mental aspiration.

Kailey finally agrees that they are BFFs.

Which means Peyton needs to make other friends now.  This is Katherine, Candy’s daughter and Bastian’s step-daughter.

The twins are closing in on their birthday and getting out of the nursery.  “Soon”

Friend #2 – if this were a legacy, this would be Peyton’s future husband.  But it isn’t and the time stream will choose for her.

Lauren is a toddler – she had her birthday just before the end of my play session.  So more hats so I can remember to stay hands off.  And she is fussy.

Really fussy.

Oakley has clean up duty in the nursery, which includes the potty chairs.

The first thing angry, fussy Lauren does is make a mess.  No parents in sight.  The twins are not impressed – or they just don’t want to get blamed.

No idea what happened here.  Random dust storm enveloped Odessa, and I can’t make it stop.  She got a bath, changed clothes, went to bed – and it is still there.  I am hoping it goes away when I reopen the game.

Orchid is going to close this update by streaking.  Wild child FTW


One other change:  I am using a modified scoring system for TS4.  Specific points earned are listed below – these points are only earned by the child/teen – the points earned by the parents have not been modified and will be listed at the end of the challenge.

  • 30 points are earned at birth; another 10 points are earned upon aging to young adult.
  • Toddler skills earn 15 points for all skills reaching level 3 (Happy Toddler) or 25 points for all skills reaching level 5 (Tip-Top Toddler).
  • Children earn 10 points for each child-age skill they reach level 10; plus 10 points for any adult skills that are maxed.
  • Children earn 5 points for earning an “A” in elementary school.
  • Teens earn 5 points for earning an “A” in high school.
  • Teens earn 5 points for reaching the top level of a teen career.
  • Aspiration rewards (potions or traits) purchased by the child/teen earn 5 points each.
  • Children earn 10 points for completing a child-age aspiration.
    • I am not awarding points for aspiration stages completed by teens.  If the teen completes their complete aspiration, then they will earn the full 40 points that the parents earn.  This is all or nothing for the teens.  They do not earn 10 points for each stage completed that the parents are able to earn.  Arbitrary, I know.
    • I am wavering… it seems so mean when I see it in writing… like I hate teens or something…

I am working on a way to update the scoring for each post that is not cumbersome.  It might not happen… 🙂  But I will show what each kid contributed at the point where they move out.

  • Bastian’s points: 100 + 2 stages of his aspiration
  • Oliver’s points: 90
  • Oriana’s points: 95 + 1 stage of her aspiration
  • Leigha’s points: 90
  • Patrick’s points: 85
  • Ramsey’s points: 90


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About Teresa 1168 Articles
I have been playing Sims since August 2005; a member, then a moderator, and now an admin of since October 2006. My sister is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back. Now I am all in on Sims 4 and still loving it.


  1. I love your Bladderstone’s. The name alone conjures up the Flintstone’s for some reason! Like they are Fred and Wilma’s “other” neighbors! I plan on incorporating some of your point mods, like for toddlers, but I think I’m going to just put the kid skills/aspirations in the same category as the adults. I guess I look at it as the people who wrote the Boom rules up don’t play TS4, so they didn’t REALLY understand how the rule should be written up. They are doing the same amount of work as the adults so that’s just what I’m gonna do.

    • Thanks! I wanted to start over a couple of times since I made some bad decisions getting started but I really love this family and Brittany/Brantley so I stuck it out and things are going good now.

      Thai is working on making updates to the scoring for TS4 using these modifications or pretty close to them. My suggestions are a few pages back on the thread on Boolprop if you want to read how I wrote them there. I wrote them here a little different there but I agree, they are doing the same amount of work and should get the same credit.

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