Scenario: Troublemaker Pt 1

Today we are starting the 6th scenario of this series. This time will be Troublemaker and the focus will be on a single teen sim. Existing households are not eligible for this scenario so a new household will be created.



Moving to a new town and a new school could be a fresh start for a teen who’s been more interested in causing mayhem than doing homework up until now. Will this teen turn things around and improve their grades at their new school, or turn the school upside down with more mischief?

Potential Story Endings

  • Teen is at least a B-student and has 5 friends
  • Teen is an A-student
  • Teen is Partners in Crime with another Sim and has done at least 1 school prank successfully

For this family I did not create them from scratch today. They were a sims couple that I created in October 2021 and never used for anything that I can remember. I did have to make them older as they needed to be Adults, but that was an easy click of the mouse. Once I had the couple in CAS, their teenager was created through genetics. The parents are Ali and Dillon Chambers and their special teen is Kiana.

The Chambers move into the empty lot at Tranquil Crescent and locate and house on the gallery to build. The partially furnished house is by Malia777 and comes with a basic kitchen and one bathroom. There will need to be furniture and the bathroom will need to be enlarged. Okay, remodel complete, they have beds and the living, dining, and kitchen are furnished. There is even an office section for her parents, who are both level 4 Writers.

Hah! Kiana has an F in high school, so she has her work cut out of her. Their challenge is starting on Friday so she won’t begin at her new school until Monday. That gives her to weekend to decide who she is going to be this time – an ambitious A student or a flunking F student. Or somewhere in between. Her traits are Erratic and Kleptomaniac with the Chief of Mischief aspiration, and her character traits are all neutral. For the Chief of Mischief aspiration she has to be disliked by two sims, and guess what – her parents are disliking her very much at the moment. The family dynamics are a permissive relationship with her dad and a strict relationship with her mom.

Ali and Dillon are having a book writing competition. They both have to write books for their careers, they are at the same level, so she is writing Poetry and he is writing Short Stories. If either has an emotion that opens a special genre, they will write that. Dillon is almost always flirty so he gets to write Romance also.

Kiana is trying to do better. Her erratic emotions make it hard to regulate so she has been counseled to begin writing in a journal. She wrote for hours and it does help. Her emotional control is hovering around neutral which is way better than a lack of control.

Friday is the free food holiday, so Ali and Dillon head over to the nearby food stall to get dinner. Kiana also goes for food but not until Ali and Dillon leave. There are some major festering resentments and it looks like they are aimed from the parents to Kiana.

Kiana wants to do something fun so she snags Dillon’s computer to play a game. They are all chatting and it is not going well. There have been some apologies but it doesn’t feel like there is any improvement.

Kiana is just so angry all the time especially when she is around her parents. Everything they do and say just pisses her off.

Kiana’s erratic emotions come to her genetically as Ali is also erratic. Since the parents were made back in 2021, I did not look at their traits when adding them to the household in CAS. This is going to make things much harder for Kiana.

Kiana meets a couple of teens outside, and she develops a crush on Leonel Flex. He comes in to ask her to the prom and of course she says yes. The prom is tonight so it is also very short notice.

Leonel does the responsible thing and meets the parents. They all have a calm and stress free conversation while Kiana is elsewhere pretending her parents are strangers.

Kiana is invited to a pre-prom party and everyone ditches her there except for Leonel. They are in Sulani for the party so she and Leonel go down to swim for a bit.

Berit Silversweater is another teen she met outside her house, and Berit also asks Kiana to the prom. Berit is not happy to hear that Kiana is already planning on attending prom with Leonel.

Kiana can’t help her bitchiness and she kisses Leonel in front of Berit. Berit and Leonel are literally her only friends in this new place and she is being the bitch.

Prom begins and Kiana and Leonel have some slow dancing.

Kiana thought it would be cool to dip Leonel but she drops him. Way to go girl.

Kiana was chosen as Prom Royalty while this firl was chosen as Prom Jester. Kiana never met her and doesn’t know her name.

Leonel invites Kiana to the after party at the pier. Kiana is having a great time so she is game to go. She and Leonel are really hitting it off and she thinks she is falling in love.

All of the activities are over so Kiana heads home. Her parents are still awake, but she heads inside and straight to bed. It was a good prom and she is excited about the new school.

Well, that was unexpected. Just when Kiana had decided to start making an effort with school and family she realizes there are long-lasting consequences from her messing around after the prom.

While her relationship with her parents is still not great, it has improved some. Kiana realizes that she will need their help and tentatively tells Ali the news about the baby. She promises to work hard at school and asks for help.

Kiana has a decent Monday at school. She turns in her homework, her makeup work, and her extra credit project and brings her grades up to a D. She is exhausted but she still has today’s homework, makeup work, and another project to complete before school tomorrow.

She starts the project and then begins working on her homework. Ali and Dillon are willing to continue working on the project since Kiana is focused on the textbook. After finishing everything, Kiana writes in her journal and then heads to bed.


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About Teresa 1168 Articles
I have been playing Sims since August 2005; a member, then a moderator, and now an admin of since October 2006. My sister is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back. Now I am all in on Sims 4 and still loving it.

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